Monday, August 3, 2009

Fun in 5 minutes or less... seriously.

Happy Monday Everyone!!

So I was having kind of an unproductive morning and all of a sudden I get this wild hair to paint something. I am not one of those girls who is addicted to spray paint (in fact my last spay paint project didn't go too well) and any other attempts to paint have yielded less than lackluster results. Anyhoo, yesterday I was blog hopping and I saw a few different chicks who had painted their house address on their front doors. The first time I saw this was over at My Sweet Savannah (she is a local girl up north who has a beautiful home and a great eye for decorating). I remember thinking when I get a new door I'm soooo doing this. Well, today for whatever reason, I thought I'm just going to do it and literally 5 minutes (okay, maybe 7) later I was done. I LOVE it and it could not be simpler. Here is what I did...

My door before (yes, it could use a cleaning and has some chippy spots, but if I had to do too much prep, it would never get done so I channelled the Nester and kept on going)

I printed up my address in a WORD doc and made the font (Curlz MT) 150 since that is what fit my door. I also colored the back of paper with chalk for some homemade tracing paper.

Using a sharp pencil I traced the numbers

Got out the white paint pen I bought to use on my chalkboard project, but never did, and started to "color in" the lines and Voila!!

Is it perfect, no. But I like it and it a one of the few projects I can put in the "done" column.

So there you have it. A quick painting project from someone who doesn't paint.


Jenny said...

It looks fantastic. Well done!

Debra said...

Laurie, that turned out great!!

WSU Laura said...

Seriously...too friggin cute! LOVE IT! You did a great job.