Tuesday, January 15, 2013


As a teacher who is now on the parent side, I see things from quite a different perspective. 
It can be tough to have been "brought up" to believe certain things are "best practice" and when I don't see them happening it makes me go hmmmmm.
A while back I posted about my Jerry McGuire moment
I truly believe that you are either part of the problem or part of the solution and I'm choosing to be part of the solution. 
One of the perks of being a former teacher is that I know how the game is played.  Parents have a lot more power than they realize, but the trick to say things in a way in which you will be heard.
Tonight a group of parents will start this ball rolling in hopes of raising the level of possibilities for our children. 
We joke we are at war with the status quo, so who better than to be our unofficial mascot than William Wallace himself.  (think what you may about Mr Gibson... Braveheart is one of the best movies of all time and William Wallace could not be any more swoonworthy)  So embracing "What would William Wallace do?" We will stand up for our kids and fight the good fight so that they receive the kind of education they deserve taught by inspired educators.


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