Friday, November 16, 2007

And so it begins...

Well, I survived all my "have to's" of late and now the fun stuff starts. I just sent out the invites for our annual Christmas Party. It seems so early, but it is really only three weeks away. I used evite, which I don't love (I used to send actual invitations) but I do like the fact I can see who has read the invite and who has RSVP'd. I'm sure I will be compulsively checking the evite for the next 3 weeks. Oh well, it is so exciting when the "will attend" list grows.
My sister-in-law Akiko and I already have the menu. We like to cook and our guests like to eat, so it is win/win all around. Akiko makes the most amazing sushi and that of course is a major draw. I like to think my friends come to see me, but I know it is really the sushi. This year, I will be making Beef Satay. It is so good my mouth is watering just thinking about it. However, it requires Joji standing at the BBQ in the middle of December. Typically, outdoors in W. Washington is not the best place to be in December, but this year has been unseasonably mild so far. I guess this is the upside to global warming (Sorry, Al)
Last year for his birthday (late December), Ben wanted a chocolate fountain. We felt the need to do a little test run at the party. It was a big hit. I highly recommend one if you are entertaining.
So now as I wait for my rsvp's to pour in, I will begin the list of chores that I want to get done prior to the party. I usually average about 50% completion rate. That's okay. Beer goggles work on houses too, right?


~*Marie*~ said...

Sounds like a lot of fun...I have always wanted to do a Christmas season cocktail party but we just never seem to have any time around the holidays...maybe when the kids are gone and it is just us we can have some kind of holiday party! I hope everything turns out wonderful...I am sure it will!

Kellie said...

Whenever I entertain I really get fussy about housework and I know no one notices all the little imperfections that I'm fretting about... Well, except maybe my mother!

Good luck getting ready for your party! It's been warm in New England too -- we still have leaves on a lot of the trees, which really freaks me out that I might be raking them up during December.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like so much fun!

I love sushi so much. It's one of my favourite foods ever. What a terrific sister-in-law to have.

Happy party preparations!


Jenny said...

I love all the Christmas preparations. We usually hold a party too for all our friends, and some neighbours. It is such a happy time. I like to make the finger food - sushi would be perfect.
Please post some pictures.

Jenny said...

I have looked for canned pumpkin and we don't seem to have such a thing in Australia. I will just have to cook and mash some.