Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I've gone global

Maybe I am a little bit of a geek, but seriously, how cool is the Internet? It boggles my mind just how much stuff is out there.
When I first discovered ebay, I was completely blown away, that not only did someone else own (and was selling) a whamo blue and white sand airplane window thing, but I would actually have to complete against others for it. Insane!!!
One night when I couldn't sleep I started googling random things. One of the things I googled was "cottage". All these wonderful blogs popped up on my screen and unfortunately, I was hooked. These little peeks into everyday lives are truly addictive. It is also nice to find out I'm not alone. (I'm not the only one who feels "laundry challenged", phew)
When I was little, there was a lady in our neighborhood who would walk up and down our street with coffee cup in hand and "make the rounds". Well, I've turned into a "virtual Carol" with my morning Mt. Dew.
On one of the blogs, I found this very fun map feature. It shows you where folks are who read your blog. How fun is that? I know the blogs I read take me all over the world and now it's nice to know the world is checking in once while too.


~*Marie*~ said...

I am a "virtual Carol" too. I sit here in the mornings with my coffee and see what is going on with all my blogging friends. It amazing how the world has changed...some ways not so good, but I find the blogging world to be quite kind so far!!! Have a great day!

Felicia said...

I know just exactly how you feel about the depth and breath of the internet. What an amazing world it is indeed! I've learned loads more than I ever thought I would.


Jenny said...

I love it. My husband is always grumbling about how much time I can actually spend looking at things!