Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I am a wee bit evil...

Feeling a little rebellious, and in the spirit of the day, I sent the following email to our preschool board:
Good Morning Everyone,
I just got a call from our insurance company and it seems the the settling has caused great amounts of structural damage. In fact the amount of work it would take to repair the damage is far greater than the insurance company is willing to pay. In fact, for safety reasons, the recommendation is for the school to be demolished.
I know, I know, after all our hard work it has come down to this. Also unfortunate is the fact that NE Tacoma has no available spaces for our program to move. The churches in our area already have programs of their own. So it is with a heavy heart to let you all know that after almost 50 years this will most likely be the final year for the Northpoint Co-op. This is such a difficult email for me to write. Just take comfort in the fact it is the first of April and I will see you all after spring break, refreshed and ready to enjoy spring at the co-op,
Wishing everyone a very happy April Fool's day. If you are looking for a good way to get someone here is a classic (check out #3)that Martha stole from our family. Enjoy


WSU Laura said...

Hee hee hee. You are evil! Love it, you got them good.

Anonymous said...

You are truly evil. Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!


Jenny said...

That was very evil!